Disney’s Cruella: The Black and White Marketing Plan

Katelyn Aardema
4 min readApr 19, 2021


Overview of marketing plan/strategy

The highly anticipated release of the live-action movie Cruella, starring Emma Stone and Emma Thompson, will be promoted on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter from the day the first trailer is released, February 17th, 2021, until the movie leaves theaters. Cruella will be available to watch in theaters, and Disney Plus, a Disney streaming site, for $29.99. This marketing campaign will focus on content that Disney and Cruella fans will love. These will include posts from cast members, clips of the movie, promotions for Disney+, and interviews with the actors and actresses from the film.

The marketing strategy will be split into three parts, Pre-Event, During-Event, and Post-Event. The pre-event will be from February 17th till May 27th, which is the day before the movie is released. During-event will be from May 28th till September 1st. This period will generate interest in the film during the summer months. The post-event period will be from September 2nd till October 31st. This period will focus on those interested in purchasing the movie on streaming sites or DVDs as we get close to the Halloween season.

Set social media SMART goals for campaign

Specific: Disney+ currently has 94.9 million subscribers and reach over 100 million by the beginning of August (Garenberg, 2021).

Measurable: Starting February 17th we should reach 100 million by June 11th.

Achievable: This goal will be achievable by our social media plan. We will have specific posts and designated times for each platform to get the word out about Disney+ and the film Cruella.

Relevant: Having a strong marketing strategy will keep the conversation going for the film, such as, videos.

Timely: Timely goal to make 100 million subscription is by June 11. We start our campaign in February and the movie will be released May 28th, 2021. This is a perfect about of time as it gets views ready for summertime and spending time with family and friends.

The target market for Cruella will be families, young adults, and females Since Cruella is rated PG-13, it is targeted to young adults and pre-teens who are unable to see the film without parental guidance. With all of this in mind, the target market for this movie and the campaign will include people 8 to 50.

Define voice(s) for social campaign

This prequel appeared to embrace the character drama that created such a villain. Stone’s proto-Cruella chaotic-good energy. The general consensus seems to be that Cruella looks promising. Based on trailers, Disney’s upcoming live-action movie about the villain from 101 Dalmations has been compared to Joker, a movie about how the arch-enemy of Batman became the psychopathic terror that still fascinates us today.

Outline hashtag(s) planned for campaign

#Cruella #DisneyPlus #EmmaStone #EmmaThompson #Disney #DisneyLiveAciton #DisneyClassic #CruellaEmmaStone #BlackandWhite

Highlight partnerships/influencer relationships

A great partnership with ASPCA and Humane Societies. These are great causes that help end the cruelness practices towards all animals, car for animals in crisis, and build a stronger animal protection program (humansociety). Since Cruella is about finding dalmatians to catch them for their black and white coats these would be great partnerships to help promote finding new homes for animals available.

A social media influencer would be Rachael Rodgers. With over 77,000 followers she uses her platform to spread the message of rescue pet adoption and helps pets find their forever homes. She started out with a picture of her dog and started getting a few thousand canine followers. She thought that she could really help other dogs in her community find homes (Russell, 2016).

Instagram Post
Facebook Post
Snapchat Filter

44 Instagram statistics that matter to marketers in 2021. (2021, February 03). Retrieved April 19, 2021, from https://blog.hootsuite.com/instagram-statistics/

Forsey, C. (2020, April 02). Twitter, Facebook, or INSTAGRAM? Which platform(s) you should be on. Retrieved April 19, 2021, from https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/twitter-vs-facebook

Gartenberg, C. (2021, February 11). Disney plus hits 94.9 million subscribers, beating its four-year goal in 14 months. Retrieved April 19, 2021, from https://www.theverge.com/2021/2/11/22278874/disney-plus-94-9-million-subscribers-q1-2021-earnings

Khoros | Digital care, C. (2021, March 17). The 2021 social Media demographics Guide. Retrieved April 19, 2021, from https://khoros.com/resources/social-media-demographics-guide

Russell, M. (2019, December 12). Instagram influencer is GETTING dogs adopted by setting them up FOR ‘DATES’. Retrieved April 19, 2021, from https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/rachael-rodgers-instagram/

Social media demographics to inform your brand’s strategy in 2021. (2021, March 09). Retrieved April 19, 2021, from https://sproutsocial.com/insights/new-social-media-demographics/



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