Target Marketing: Best Way to Market the Nintendo Switch

Katelyn Aardema
4 min readMar 19, 2021


On March 3, 2017, Nintendo introduced the world to the Nintendo Switch. This gaming console is not like any other gaming console on the market as you can connect it to your TV or play it with a handheld device which you can take anywhere with you. According to the Nintendo Switch website, “Nintendo Switch is designed to fit your life, transforming from home console to portable system in a snap.” This gaming console has two different selling points different from other gaming consoles, for example, PlayStation and Xbox. First, the Nintendo Switch is being played as a handheld device against others through the internet or play against yourself. The second way is to take the joysticks off the screen and play through your TV with family and friends.

This makes the Nintendo Switch unique as it gets you off your couch and actively playing with many of their games. Nintendo sells games only for their consoles, such as The Legend of Zelda, Pokémon, Mario Kart (my favorite), and many more games only for Nintendo.

Nintendo is targeting people ranging from the age 15–35 who are gamers. Under behavioral segmentation, it targets people who casually enjoying playing games and are not hardcore gamers and are interested in playing video games at home or on the go (Bhasin). According to Nintendo, their mission is, “We believe it is essential not only to provide products of the highest quality, but to treat every customer with attention, consideration, and respect.” The Nintendo Switch is within the same price range as the other consoles on the market at a starting price of $299 and games ranging from $29.99 to $69.99, depending on the type of game. With that being said, the Nintendo Switch is targeted more towards parents of children who want only the console and those who have money to spend on gaming consoles and games.

Nintendo’s history traces back to 1889, when it was founded to produce handmade hanafuda, a playing card. Nintendo Co., Ltd. Made the cards, which began to gain huge popularity, and Yamauchi, the CEO, had to hire assistants to mass-produce cards to keep up with the demand. Nintendo didn’t become the video game company it is today till the 1980’s when it came out with Super Mario Bros and has been a family favorite for over 30 years. The best way to market to their target audience is through advertisements (TV and digital), content marketing, event marketing, and word of mouth. TV advertisements such as commercials are a great way to showcase what the Nintendo Switch can do and the games that came to be played.

NBC News: Nintendo Switch event

Social media is also a great way to showcase short videos and photos of what the Nintendo Switch can do. A great way for customers to get hands-on experience is with event marketing at sporting events or product release parties. Finally, word of mouth is still a strong form of advertising, as friends will tell friends and family to family when all is said and done.

Nintendo Switch has a unique selling point; as stated above, it can be used as a handheld device, can be used through the TV with family and friends, or for exercise depending on the game being played. You get 2 gaming consoles in 1! Target marketing is one of the most important aspects of a company. It is where you develop your audience, understand what your company is providing them, and hopefully lead to more sales. Apparently, Nintendo must be doing something right with their target market since they have been around as long as they have, and the constant new products they introduce with huge success.

Bhasin, H. (2019, May 29). Marketing strategy of nintendo — nintendo marketing strategy. Retrieved March 18, 2021, from

Nintendo switch™ family — official site. (n.d.). Retrieved March 18, 2021, from



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